Agathe Richard

Agathe Richard


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Memory: 24MB (4.69% of 512MB)

Execution time and Memory usage

Point Execution time (seconds) Usage memory (bytes) Database queries
By theme Total (WP+Plugins+Theme) By theme Total (WP+Plugins+Theme) By theme Total (WP+Plugins+Theme)
THEME START - 0.449 - 71 509 936 - 42
After load theme required files 0.087 0.536 10 402 192 81 912 128 0 42
After WP INIT actions - 0.705 - 89 793 056 - 62
After Theme Init 0.102 0.72 10 597 392 89 988 256 9 71
Before Theme HTML output 0.102 0.72 10 597 728 89 988 592 9 71
BODY start 0.161 0.779 11 039 560 90 430 424 30 92
Before Page Header 0.163 0.78 11 040 256 90 431 120 30 92
After show menu 0.2 0.818 11 317 624 90 708 488 44 106
Before Page content 0.202 0.82 11 319 776 90 710 640 44 106
After Page content 0.431 1.049 11 410 720 90 801 584 57 119
After Footer 0.44 1.058 11 412 480 90 803 344 59 121
After Theme HTML output 0.447 1.065 11 381 760 90 772 624 62 124
WP PAGE OUTPUT END - 1.076 - 90 807 120 - 128