Maxence Brault

Maxence Brault

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Memory: 88MB (17.19% of 512MB)

Execution time and Memory usage

Point Execution time (seconds) Usage memory (bytes) Database queries
By theme Total (WP+Plugins+Theme) By theme Total (WP+Plugins+Theme) By theme Total (WP+Plugins+Theme)
THEME START - 0.847 - 71 509 832 - 42
After load theme required files 0.123 0.97 10 402 192 81 912 024 0 42
After WP INIT actions - 1.145 - 89 792 648 - 62
After Theme Init 0.132 1.153 10 597 392 89 987 848 9 71
Before Theme HTML output 0.132 1.153 10 597 728 89 988 184 9 71
BODY start 0.18 1.201 11 041 152 90 431 608 31 93
Before Page Header 0.181 1.202 11 041 848 90 432 304 31 93
After show menu 0.228 1.249 11 319 216 90 709 672 45 107
Before Page content 0.229 1.251 11 321 368 90 711 824 45 107
After Page content 0.446 1.467 11 412 328 90 802 784 58 120
After Footer 0.493 1.515 11 414 088 90 804 544 60 122
After Theme HTML output 0.5 1.521 11 383 696 90 774 152 63 125
WP PAGE OUTPUT END - 1.536 - 90 808 648 - 129